States we've Traveled

States we've Traveled

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Gabe had a wreck!

Got a phone call this evening from the youngest son telling me he was okay but wrecked his dirt bike!! Of course, my first response was where are you hurt? Then i asked .. were you wearing your helmet?? He replied, yes some what and yes again. At least he was smart enough this time to have his helmet on. Esp after his brother had just lost a best friend to a motor cycle wreck and wasn't wearing a helmet. Then he wanted to know if he should go to the hospital or tuff it out. He hurt his shoulder and couldn't move his arm.

Of course, i told him to go to the hospital right away! He called to let me know when he got out that he broke his collar bone and messed up the shoulder socket. He will be going to a surgeon in the morning. After i found out he is okay, i then preceeded to grip at him about getting rid of that bike and if he had a job he wouldn't have so much time to be doing stupid stuff. Mothers worry about their children regardless of their age and i don't think that ever changes.

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