States we've Traveled

States we've Traveled

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Illegal Fishing!


We received a call this morning about some new fishing tips. So we headed down to the gate where the fish pond is and what a shock we received. Illegal fishing!! No permits, no fishing poles!


At first several were just standing back and watching how it was done and then Vicky couldn’t take it any longer and she just had to take her try at fishing with a net. Oh Vicky, they have corrupted such a sweet girl!


Hubby was just walking around and being such a good boy and obeying the fishing rules. He did get near the pond and was looking for fish.


Then Kevin caught his first fish, then Vicky caught her first fish photos below

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Then Vicky went for her second fish and Kevin caught his second fish

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Then Dave caught his first fish and look what happened!


Yep hubby couldn’t take it any longer and has a fishing net in his hand … uh oh were in trouble now ….


Here Lenny is on his hands and knees getting ready to follow in the corruptness!


Here Lenny is reaching ….


Oh no … Hubby caught his first fish with the net and of course the race was on with all the guys.

Actually they were all catching the fish and moving them to the big water tank as the pond is being re-done and this is the fish new home for a few days. We did all have a blast watching everyone trying to catch the fish in a very slick, slimy fish pond that was lined with rotting black plastic. They finally succeed in catching all the fish and draining the water out.


While I was taking pictures and observing, the job i do best a butterfly graced me by landing on my hand and letting me take a picture. It’s been another beautiful and fun day with new friends.

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