States we've Traveled

States we've Traveled

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

grocery and laundry day

Ughhhh .. the dreaded task of grocery shopping and doing laundry! Hubby and I went grocery shopping today and did the laundry before we head out later in the week. I don't know why we don't break these 2 taks up instead of doing them both in the same day? Hmmm .. maybe it's because I dread doing both so I just wait and do them both in the same day, or is it because I get hubby to come help me so I make sure that both get done so he can be there to carry them in and out ... hmmm i do believe it's the later but let's let that be our little secret ... Okay?

It's always a exhausting day and so this evening i'm going to spend my evening with my feet kicked up and do nothing but relax. I know I dread doing these 2 things but I sure am happy to know that both those task are done for another 2 week

Aghhhh this is going to be a lazy night of laying in bed and watching the tube,
my back needs rest before the big event takes place and were outta here!

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