States we've Traveled

States we've Traveled

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The End to a Beautiful Weekned

It's been a great weekend. Lots of activity in the campground and I love the sound of the campground coming alive. Several campers left this morning. The single guy living in his as we are is still here, plus 2 others. The other 2 are leaving in the morning. Looks like unless some more come in it will be back to just us 2 again.

I went today and bought me a new small gas grill and we are going to cook out tonight! I'm so ready for a that. I love food that has been cooked on a grill.
We ended up having a very nice get together. We cooked shis-k-bob's and pork steak on the grill, then I made a cauliflower rice casserole, grilled tators in butter & parsley and made a mac salad. We all ended up having a nice little get together and enjoyed a great meal. Sorry, no pictures, no one wanted their pictured posted online. (have to respect my new friends)

Our friends Billy and Craig came in (the van dwellers) their spending the night. They couldn't attend the gtg as they were leaving early in the morning, Craig has to work. Also, during our gtg another camper rolled in and set up. They declined to join us.

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