States we've Traveled

States we've Traveled

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Feeling better

I'm feeling better today, and it's a nice warm breezy day outside. I didn't push my luck with my back. I took it easy and stayed indoors most of the day. I did take the dogs on a nice little walk. They were begging to go for a walk and with such a nice day outside, they wanted to be outside and not indoors. They were disappointed they were stuck indoors yesterday.

After sleeping all evening, i couldn't sleep last night! I laid in bed and sat up .. back forth and read until 6.30 am! Wow, good thing i'm not required to be at work or anyplace. I would never make it. I'm usually up and down all hours of the day and night as i don't sleep good because of my back injury. It has changed my lifestyle so much! It controls what i do most of the time. Anyone who suffers with a disability i'm sure understands. They know how it is to live their lives around the disability.

The camp host pulled in today and got set up. I haven't meet them yet but knew they were coming. The ranger told us last week they were pulling in today. I will have to meet them another day as i'm still on bed rest and taking it easy on the back.

The doctor nurse called me today and after talking to a specailist, decided that i should be back on my anti-Inflamatory medication until i can attain a specialist to treat me. So he called in a prescripition and hubby went and picked it up for me. I hate these things, as they honestly make me sicker then the actual inflammation. Of course they help with the pain, but sure do tear up my stomach!

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