States we've Traveled

States we've Traveled

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Sunday at the beach

Got up this morning and got ready for church. We are attending a Baptist church about 4 blocks from where we are staying. It's a very laid back church and they have 3 services on Sunday. It works out great cuz hubby has been working weekends and so we are able to make the last morning services. Here is a link if you like to check it out ...

After church we came home and I made lunch. After lunch we got around and went to do our Sunday family outting. Yes, we headed to the beach! Only when we got to our usual spot that we like to relax at, we surprised to see it was closed off! Yesterday our favorite spot was available and didn't look like this. Hmmm

They are dreading sand from the Ocean and expanding the beach. I talked to one of the workers and he said they have crews working around the clock 24/7 and should be here 2 weeks.

Look how nasty it made the water. It also really stunk! If i was one of the tourist who came here and paid money to come see the Emerald green water and this is what they get to see instead. I'd be a bit on the upset side.

Even though the water was yucky and smelled the kids still had a good time playing in the sand.

We got to see a WW II plane fly overhead. Pretty neat huh?

As you can see the beach was packed as it was another gorgeous day to be on the beach!

Several of the fisherman were catching today. Not sure if it was from the dreading or what. This young man let me capture a picture of his catch.

It's amazing what you see sometimes at the beach. This guy was making a merimaid. They were very nice and let me take their picture. He even made the scales on her.

Here is Bobbie enjoying the area we call the kiddie pool. It's on the other side of the rock dike and the water is really calm and where most of the small children play, like 1-3 yrs old.

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