States we've Traveled

States we've Traveled

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Sunday, January 13, 2008

A relaxing Sunday

Invited by several of the other RVolunteers to attend church at the Caramel Assemble of God church. We got to hear Alton Garrison speak. He is a fabalous speaker and i had heard him at the RVolunteers convention this past fall. He did a wonderful and we enjoyed hearing him.

After services the others went out to lunch after services, but I decided to return home and eat left overs. I spent the afternoon/ evening watching football. Watching the Packers game and it was snowing there. Sure made me glad I am in a warm state!

Late in the afternoon decided to go watch the boys ride. They have horses here. I also captured a picture of Babe, she is the Ranch guard dog. She greets everyone and travels every inch of the ranch. You never know where you might find her. They tell me she was a stray and they tried to have her hauled off, but she jumped out of the truck, stayed hid for weeks and then returned. The RVolunteers got together and collect money and had her spaded and now she is an official memember of the ranch. She is a professional begger too.

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