States we've Traveled

States we've Traveled

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Monday, February 11, 2008

A Day at the Beach!

I got up this morning and for some reason i did my dishes. I never do dishes this early in the morning. Hmmm ... seems someone upstairs knew more then i did. The phone rang and the call phone i had been waiting on. After my phone call, I finished the dishes and decided it might be a good idea to get my face on. I had a feeling i'd be going somewhere today, even though the plans were to stay home by the phone waiting on a phone call. I walked over to Barbara's and asked if they were still going to the beach and she said yes. So i walked over to Cheryl's and asked if she had room for me. Of course she did.

Barbara, Cheryl and I headed to the beach. Barbara made us tuna fish sandwiches and we all brought our drinks. We sat on a blanket at the beach and ate our lunch. We had to gaurd them from the professional begger seagulls.

Look at this guy! No, not that he is in the water, but his back! He has a large tatoo of Christ on the cross!!!

As you can see in the pictures i took, it was a beautiful to be at the beach and we were not the only ones who thought so. It was nice that even some were in the water! We put our feet in, but the water is still really cold!

After lunch, we all used our cell phones since we finally had service to call our family. We enjoyed spending time together at the beach and unforuntally none of us wanted to leave but we had to. We stopped by Wal-mart. Yes, how can a person go by Wal-mart and not stop ??

We got back just in time for the dinner meal. After dinner i got laundry started as it's my laundry day. Then took the dogs for a walk. After got back I went over visited with Romelle. I stayed longer then i had intended but we had a wonderful visit. I had finish my laundry finally it's washed and dried! I put it all away.

I spent what was rest of the evening watching one of my favorite shows ... Yep, CSI!!

Now it's time for bed. Hope you all had a wonderful day as I did. The sunny sun shine coast of Florida has been beautiful !!!

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