States we've Traveled

States we've Traveled

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Friday, February 1, 2008

Caught in the act of working!


Since i hadn't had time to get a picture of our new campsite, i took one the other day and look ... i have a nice big front yard now! Plus i am parked next to Harold! That is his rig u can barely see. Romelle is Harold wife and she sure is a strong person to of put of with Harold 42 yrs! No, i'm only jesting, Harold is an awesome person.
I had the day off from school today. This is parent weekend for the boys and several will be graduating on Sunday! Their 15 months is up. I spent the morning working around the camper, trying to tidy up. I also defrosted the frig. It's been beautiful weather all week long and what is great about it, it's not too hot yet warm enough to open the door and vents and let some fresh air inside of the camper. Around 10.30 am i went over to one of the other RVolunteers and she showed several of us how to do some knitting. Then i came back and fixed lunch.
While i was cleaning today i heard a noise and look what i found in the sky! There is a airforce base not to far from here and they use the air space above us to do refueling and other things. There are always planes flying above us. I love to sit and watch them.

I took these pictures a few days ago and didn't get them posted, so i thought i would post them now. Harold caught in the action of working. Welll ........
Harold & Elmer, working together on
the building. They are very hard
workers .. but ... shhhh .. don't let them know that.
Elmer and Tish (RVolunteers) are leaving in the morning and several of us RVolunteers are going out to dinnerwith them. Barbara and Ed rode with me, we all went to Golden Corral. There were 14 of us. We all ate too much and enjoyed the fellowship. We had a wonderful time and as always were enjoying volunteering and spending time with the others. The fellowship is awesome! Sorry i forgot the camera ... next time!

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