States we've Traveled

States we've Traveled

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Friday, October 16, 2009

Still dreary and cold

I got up early and went up to help out in the kitchen. I did what little panning that needed to be done for the busy weekend. After i finished i returned to the RV and picked up and got my RV cleaned for the weekend. It’s been drizzling rain off and on and it’s still cold here!

After lunch i went over and helped the ladies with the curtains. They give me the easy job of sitting and pinning.

Before i knew it was dinner time and then we all met at the Cafe and played hand and foot. It’s amazing how many different ways this game is played. I did remember tonight to take my computer with me and got wifi so i got what i had finished blogging uploaded to my blog. I’m sorry it has taken me so long to get my blog updated. Wifi has been a struggle this summer and my phone let me upload photos. I didn’t get home until after around 10 pm. I ended up sitting up til after midnight!

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