States we've Traveled

States we've Traveled

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Warned to be ready to Evacuate!

Everyone is worried about the storm threat Gustav. Louisiana has already declared a disaster and New Orleans is closing a lot of their public places. Last night the campground owner came around and told everyone they needed to be prepared to evacuate the park either Saturday or no later then Sunday, depending on the when the storm is predicted to hit Louisiana.

That puts everyone in a bit a predicament. Hmmmm where to go. From what I've been told all the surrounding areas around will be packed and crazy with everyone preparing for the storm. I spent the day calling around and trying to find a place where I would be safe from the storm.

I'm not sure how far I have to go yet as every place i call thinking I'd be safe says their closing their campgrounds on Sunday! Places that are considered to be a safe distance are all booked because of the holiday weekend and the storm scare. Ughhhh

I've been watching the TV very closely to see what we are suppose to do. So everyone is basically in a stand by mode. Luckily for me I've already got things pretty much packed up and ready when they thought Fay may be a threat.

Last night was crazy here, with the threat of the storm and gas prices on the rise. I needed to run to the store to get meat for the rest of the week and while i was out i thought I'd fill up the car since it was getting low on fuel.

WOW, it was crazy out there!!!! The stores were packed and water was disappearing like crazy. I had to wait 20 mins in line at the gas station to get fuel

Luckily I had prepared ahead of time last week for just in case with Fay and so I'm prepared with plenty of water, fuel and food that i can cook. Makes me so glad that I'm self contained and can move my home where ever I need to.

Well that is what happening with me and i will try to keep you updated although if I have to evacuate i may be off line for several days and i will let you all know as soon as i can.

Hope your all having a great day .. Until next time ....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are sites available north of the lake in Tangipahoa Parish.