States we've Traveled

States we've Traveled

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Packing Day!

I was awake most of the night with my back killing me. I was up and down most of the night. Being out in the cold has gotten me down in the back. Finally around 4 am my pain med’s kicked in and i was able to get some much needed rest. I finally got up around 9 am!

There is tons to do if we are going to be heading out in the morning. We finally both got ourselves moving (hubby is moving just as slow i am). He had one of his really bad headaches last night and his right side is basically useless today and is hurting him. He is having big time problems with confusion and so I'm having to constantly remind him what needs to do. It’s horrible how these headaches make him so dysfunctional.

007 I tried to start packing but all i actually got done was strip the beds and hubby helped me get the laundry going. He tried to work on getting things done outside. He really struggled and had to come inside every few minutes and ask me what he was doing. I finally gave up doing the inside and helped him get the outside done. At least today the temps are around 45 degrees with the sun shining and feels pretty good after the cold we’ve been having.

A trip to Wal-mart had to be made for another qt of oil, transmission fluid and dry dog food. Supper was very simple once again. Salisbury steak with bread. I also made some tuna fish for sandwiches tomorrow on the road. Showers were taken and then we went out and drained our tanks as it’s suppose to be like 25 degrees in the morning. The car is loaded on the car dolly and all packed and ready to roll. All that is left is to clean out the front of the motor home, take the TV down and clean the table off. I plan to do this all early in the morning before i get hubby out of bed. 009

We have spent our entire evening getting things ready to go and the past few hrs have been on planning our route out and printing off directions. Then i remembered my plants in the car and had hubby bring them. I have them stored in the shower for our trip. I don’t want to take a chance of them freezing in the car even though their saying a low of 25 tonight. My geranium has a bloom!

I’m exhausted and going to be heading to bed to get some sleep .. hopefully tomorrow will be a travel day and we will be on the road … i will post when i get wifi and until then have a good one … I'm finally going to get to go where it’s warm .. i hope anyways ….

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