States we've Traveled

States we've Traveled

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Tribute to Ms Southwind

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Springfield, MO

Today is a day of giving Thanks for the good things in your life and trying not to think about the bad things happening to you. I know at times this can be hard as it seems like at times bad things in our lives can be so overwhelming. I try to deal with hard and stressed time by leaning on God and having comfort that he will always walk beside me in what ever life throws my way. He has given me such strength to fight a injury that debilitated me to the point i was in bed basically 24/7. At least most days i am able to enjoy every day things and i take it one day at time. When it’s a ruff day, i do what it takes to get through that day, if it’s a ruff few hours, i do what it takes to get through those hours. My life is spent minute by minute, hour by hour and day by day.
I got up this morning and got the turkey on to cook, then i started getting the trimmings together to go with the turkey. It’s just hubby and i this year. Here is a picture of my plate, although i have to admit my eyes were bigger then my tummy and i shared with the dogs .. they were happy pooch’s.
thankskids2Our meal was the following….
Turkey gravy sweet potatoes over night salad dressing bread rolls apple crisp
I cheated on several things this year, i bought stove top turkey dressing, ready to heat rolls and here is a picture of the box apple crisp i purchased. Wal-mart had the stove top on sale 2/1.50, rolls 99 cents, and the pie for 3.00. I couldn’t make dressing, rolls or the crisp for a cheaper price then i paid for already prepared.
It was good and after lunch i took a very long nap! Something i don’t do very often. I slept for 3 hrs!
After my nice long needed nap i sat thinking of what i was thankful for…. At first it was easy to think about the things i didn’t like about my life and how our economy is and the hardship on families this day and age. I got disgusted that families have lost loved ones because of the wars we are in. the parents, grandparents, husband, wives and especially children who have loved ones over seas and especially our government because of the billions they have given to slimy banking industry, yet we have wounded soldiers that our government is not properly taking care of after all that they have sacrificed for us. I was disgusted that our President felt the need to give a turkey a act of mercy but he doesn’t feel the same for the poor humans that have lost everything including their homes even though they have young children. Then tears came to my eyes with disgust thinking of how my son is struggling to raise his family and how much he has to work, I then remember us going through the same hard times when he was a child so sick that we didn’t know how we were going to afford his medication he needed to survive because we were too proud to have hubby quit his job and take welfare. Instead we worked our fingers and body to the bone and paid off our medical bills in payments. I guess now that i think about things, we went through tough times when we were raising our family, the only difference was there was extra things hubby could do to raise extra money for us, like trapping, ginseng and golden sill hunting. These things are not so easy to do as fur is worth nothing, ginseng prices bottom has dropped out it too. Everyone is having a tough time so scrap metal is a bust as everyone is selling it. Wood isn’t bringing any money like we were able to do. Our son has went back to a lot of the ways he was raised by hunting for meat, heating with wood and doing what ever he can to cut cost. You know even though i thought of these hard times, i still had a smile on my face because there were things in our lives we had that no amount of money could buy. We had God walking beside us, we had love for each other and we had family and friends to lean on. Those are some of the best treasures we can have in our lives.
Then i thought about the good things in my life today …
I am thankful for God’s love that he died to take away my sins for me and you I am thankful to live a country where i am free to worship God openly I am thankful for my wonderful husband who loves and adores me I am thankful for my boys and my grandchildren whom i love dearly I am thankful for the many wonderful family & friends that i have in my life I am thankful to have Ms. Southwind who provides me with a home I am thankful that i have food to prepare for us to eat and enjoy I am thankful for my beloved pets who love me no matter what
There are many other things in my life that i am thankful for and sometimes i tend to forget those things. Then i remember that things could be much worse.
So as we give thanks today, try to remember all the good things in your life and let that get you through the day if today doesn’t feel like a day to give thanks.
ccdhthvegt from our home to yours where ever you may be. Home is where ever your heart is not your body. Until next time ……

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